Helpdesk /Complaint Approved Image Hosts & Banned Hosts Discussion - Printable Version

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Helpdesk /Complaint Approved Image Hosts & Banned Hosts Discussion - help - 02-03-2017

                          Helpdesk /Complaint Approved Image Hosts & Banned Hosts Discussion

Hi all of you 

           i can many pm/mail to received to create this Complaint box many user to request for many image host to ban 
not possible to search one by one to find bad image host ,
i can requested all of you please submit your issues to post hear and solve it ,

thank you
team Cy   

RE: Helpdesk /Complaint Approved Image Hosts & Banned Hosts Discussion - mejon - 02-12-2017

i am view many images no any bad image find
But any user find to clear hear post and hope solve it today issues for celebyounger team
and very very thank you team cy for creat the box

Thank again Smile Smile